What is the full address?
For security reasons, we share the full address and access instructions 24hrs before your booking.

We are based in Hackney Wick only 7 minute walk from the station.

What is the nearest station?
Hackney Wick
7 min walk
3 min drive

20 min walk
8 min drive

Is there parking?
There are 3 side roads we recommend parking on:
Wyke Road
Beachy Road
Roach Road

Monday - Saturday
Download RingGo app to pay
Max 4 Hour Stay

Sundays and Bank Holidays

Can I bring a friend?
Yes, up to 5 people can be in the studio.

Can I bring a makeup artist?
You may, however please bear in mind there is minimal dressing table space. Please contact us for further info.

Is there a photographer on site?
No, we do not provide this service.